Limit Setting

Limit Setting says "no" to unacceptable behavior. Staying calm and using effective body language is important as it allows you to say "no" to unacceptable behavior without embarrassing or alienating the student.

Model Limit Setting

1. Button Hook

2. See Disruption & Excuse yourself from student

3. Take 2 Relaxing Breathes & Turn Slowly Towards Student

4. Take 2 More Breathes & Call Out Student's Name

5. Put Hand On Desk & Motion With Other Hand To Turn Student

6. Go Back To Help Student Then Turn & Look at Problem Student

7. If You Do Not Get Compliance Return To Student

According to Jones, it is crucial for teachers to practice limit setting. They need to be ready and prepared when it is game time.  Jones notes that their are three components: moving in, dealing with backtalk, and moving out. Moving in is to stop what you are doing and make sure your body language and facial expression communicaes disproval. Now take two deep breathes to calm yourself. Dealing with backtalk is when students attempt to control the situation through backtalk. Stay calm, act bored, and camp out in close proximity until the student runs out of gas.

The intent of verbal limit setthg is to communicate to the students that they have reached their limit and this will result in consewuences that they do not want to experience first hand. If you are upset, the student will be upset. If you remain calm the student will remain calm.

Clarity and firmness are are important when working with limit setting. Clarity involves finding out who is misbehaving, what the person is doing, and what he or she should be doing instead. Firmness means using a distinct tone of voice and body language to indicate that you mean business. Make eye contact, and make sure your facial expressions are consistent with your intent. Be firm!

"Even fools are taught wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent." Proverbs 17:28 (NLT)

The relevance of the scripture is wisdom isn't developed all at once. It comes through a constant process of growth. Some aspects of wisdoom mignt seem to develop faster than others. The source of wisdom is God.